Warranty Claims For EV's More Than Triple

The growth, while partly explained by an increase in the number of EVs that MotorEasy now has under warranty cover, is also reflective of an aging EV fleet, with problems now starting to emerge.

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Navigating a Safer Future: Wales Adopts a 20mph Speed Limit

Wales became the first nation in the UK to introduce a default 20mph speed limit on residential roads. The move has been met with mixed reaction, some praising it as a step forward for road safety and others labelling it unnecessary.

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EV's that Aim to Appeal to Petrolheads!

‘Too quiet’, you’ll often hear ‘petrolheads’ mutter when talk turns to electric vehicles. It’s usually immediately followed by ‘soulless’ and/or ‘no fun’. The accusations are not entirely unfounded.

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Cancelling a Car Purchase: Know your rights

The nagging doubt the creeps in after eagerly putting pen to paper and the excitement of driving off the showroom floor. Questions like, “did I make the right choice? Or “could I have found a better deal” can linger.

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How Will Higher Interest Rates Affect Car Buyers and Owners?

High interest rates are likely to have a negative impact on drivers. If you are planning to buy a car, it is important to factor in the higher interest rates when making your decision.

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Navigating the ULEZ Car Market – Should You Change Car Now or Wait?

London’s ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) has now expanded to cover the entire capital, all 600 square miles of it, turning the city into the largest low emission zone in the world.

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Is Your Car Back To School Ready? - All our top tips to get your car ready for the school run.

It is important to ensure your car is ready for the return of the school run, and that rush hour traffic. See this article for all our top tips to get your car ready for the school run.

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